Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hey guys,

So a few new things about me and my coaching. First of all, I've stopped making monthly videos and I'm gonna work on getting out the rest of the 3-betting series that some of you guys have seen part of in the past two months. I'm hoping for it to be an 8-video series once I'm done with it, and I'll probably sell it as a package, like $40 added to anyone who has the first 3 videos already, or $80 total, something like that. I haven't really decided pricing but basically I want to focus on a specific topic rather than just pumping out subpar videos once per week when I don't even play HU that much anymore.

That brings me to my second point. I've played a lot of 6max in the past month, and gotten some great coaching from nxtwrldchamp. I know that a few of my students are starting to play 6max and they've come to me with a lot of questions about the game and HHs for discussion. Since I've felt quite comfortable with all of their questions, I'm going to add 6max to my available coaching, also at 200nl and lower. I don't really know what a competitive price for new students might be, so come to me privately to discuss a price based on how many hours, how much is 6max, how much is HU, stakes, etc etc.

In order to advertise this awesome new coaching of mine, I have a brand new sample HU video of me playing a friend of mine at 2 tables. It's a bit long, but the ending is the best part, so it's worth the watch:

On to the life upgrades. I've been slacking like a huge asshole for the first part of this quarter, getting basically zero work done, playing a bunch of fifa, etc. I've been applying to a bunch of summer jobs which is going well and all but I need to pull my act together. Here's a list of improvements that I will be making starting today, guaranteed:

1. Complete some form of studying or homework every day. This could be one chapter of reading, one problem set, practice problems, etc. I just can't afford to keep skipping days and expecting to be prepared for all my exams.

2. Daily trip to the gym, even though it's completely miserable outside. Getting some exercise really helps motivate me and it might even be best for me to start doing this in the morning rather than at night for that reason.

3. Play 1-3 hours of poker per day, no more, no less. I need to get on a regular schedule for this as well, but playing more than 3 hours is simply going to interfere with the rest of my day.

4. Check daily for new job opportunities online.

5. No more fifa, unless I've done all of the above in a given day.

That doesn't seem too hard having written it out. Alright everyone, this finishes probably my longest blog post ever (not counting HHs) so I'm gonna get to work. Have a great weekend.
